Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 14

Week 14: A {shout out}

93/365: A shout out to {Mother Nature}: Quit snowing please. 94/365: A shout out to {The Clark Planetarium}: Thank you for making me sick on the field trip. That 360 degree dome movie was just too much for me to handle. BUT your planetarium was cool. 95/365: A shout out to {our class && teacher}: Betcha didn't know we snuck this picture during class in did ya?! haha Sneaky.
96/365: A shout out to {Marlena}: THANK YOU TIMES 100 FOR GETTING ME THIS DELICIOUS TREAT TO CHEER ME UP!!! (whew. that was a big shout out)
97/365: A shout out to {my Dad}: Thank you dad for equipping me with the BEST windshield wipers out there. I have such windshield wiper OCD and can't stand when they squeak, are too thin, or do not pick up all the water. Thank you Papa John.
98/365: A shout out to {Our 6th grade class}: Thank you all for being such a fun class to teach! I had a great 3 weeks! :)
99/365: A shout out to {everyone}: Go check out my new etsy site! I made this little beauty for it. ♥

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